LeAnn Cyr has put together this handy step-by-step "How To" for our Melasma/Sun Damage System:

• Always start with cleaning your face with Rejuvenating Cleanser morning and night.
• Use the Retinol pads after you clean your face to get off any residual dirt and to give your face a light exfoliation, but I would only do this in the morning and then afterward apply Collagen youth serum.
• Let dry then Ultra Recovery Cream and then Sunscreen.
• Always use the sunscreen last but only during the day, not at night.
At night:
• Cleanse first.
• Collagen Youth Serum, let dry, and soak into face.
• Melasma Fade per instructions (as tolerated). You have to allow your skin to peel (let the dead skin to slough off at first, it may take a week) so I don’t moisturize this area when I’m treating it at night. It will get red so use as tolerated but the goal is for the skin to turn over and the damaged skin to slough off.
• I only apply Retinol Eye Cream at night since I do not put the melasma fade around my eyes, this is the only moisturizer I use while treating the Melasma.
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